Dear Friends in the Risen Lord, One of the things we celebrate in the Easter Season is the birth of the church, the body of Christ. The Risen Jesus did not appear in private revelations but to a community of his disciples. His words to them were “Peace be with you” followed by the commission to “Preach the gospel to all the nations and know that I am with you always!” Here at St. Bridget’s, the mission of the church is to proclaim Christ belongs to all the baptized. As your pastor, I have a responsibility to gather our community to hear God’s word and celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. That responsibility is not exclusively mine, however. I collaborate in that with our Parish Staff and lay leaders from our Pastoral Council. Sharing responsibility with the laity who represent all of you is very important to me. continue reading...
Believe in Jesus who has all the answers Sunday, May 7, 1-4 pm Holy Family Church, Kirkland Amid uplifting music and prayer experiences, Fr. Riccardo will share his gift of inspiring storytelling to encourage you to accept the help of the ONE who has all the answers. All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Reimagining Women's Participation in a Synodal Church - May 6, 2023, 9am - 12pm - St. James Cathedral Hall We invite the Holy Spirit in as we reflect on the fruits of the first phase of the global synod and explore where the Spirit is calling us as Catholics in Western Washington. All Catholics and people of goodwill are welcome for this gathering of prayer, relationship building, reflection, and synodal discernment.
Dear Friends in Christ, One of the salutations that St. Paul often used in his epistles to local Christian communities was this: May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you! That word fellowship reminds us that part of our life as the Body of Christ the church is to gather in fellowship, in friendship with one another to share the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have several opportunities to do so coming up. Continue reading...
What does the camp need from us? TC3 appreciates donations of evening meals for their 45-50 residents. Fr. Heric has agreed that St. Bridget parish should try to provide 5 evening meals during the 3 months that the encampment is in our area. The evenings that we’ll be responsible for are 4/23, 4/30, 5/12, and 5/21. If you’d like to contribute to this effort please click for more information.
It's time to return your rice bowls! Please drop them off by the parish office. Alternatively, you may make a donation through the link provided. Thank you!
In case you missed it at St. Bridget's - Our Lady of the Lake Church will be showing "Going Home Like a Shooting Star - Thea Bowman's Journey to Sainthood" on Sunday, April 23, 2023, from Noon to 1:30 pm in the Jubilee Hall, 8900 35th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA - Free Admission
Join us and make a beautiful Mother's Day centerpiece to treat yourself or give some joy to others. Please register by May 10. The cost is $85 through EventBrite.
Our newest Catholics, Ryan Adkins and Richart Shug were confirmed in the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil service after completing the RCIA program. Welcome! We are so lucky to have you join our amazing Catholic Community! If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please reach out to Alex Chopyak - [email protected] for more information.
Dear Friends in the Risen Lord, Our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus continues in an 8-day octave where every day is considered Easter Sunday! I would compare this to a newly married couple’s “Honeymoon” period where every day is a special continuation of the joy of this new covenant that bonds a couple together for life. Honeymoons are not meant to last forever, and the time comes when it is time to get about the business of living a
Dear Friends in Christ, As a general rule, the news that tends to draw our attention is often bad, pathetic, and even on occasion horrific. I don’t need to cite any specifics to make the point. But there are exceptions, and Easter is perhaps the greatest news of all! Christ is risen from the dead, he is risen indeed! Here is the reason for all our hope and joy! It’s also the raison d’etre for the Christian Church throughout the world.
Are you a cheery person with an outgoing personality? We'd love to have you help welcome parishioners to our weekend Masses! This is a great way to make those entering our doors feel welcome and included in our community. Please click for sign up link and more details.