Dear Friends in Christ, The “Back to School” season begins this week with the opening of ASB on Wednesday, August 31, and neighboring Villa Academy and the public schools to follow. Blessings to all students, teachers, and staff as they prepare to begin a new school year. That includes all of us lifelong learners of any age.
Dear Friends in Christ, One of the hallmarks of modern life is the intense pluralism of viewpoints, cultures, ideologies, philosophies, and religions that the internet and social media make available for our daily consumption. Properly understood, the great diversity of outlooks and lifestyles available to moderns is something we should all appreciate, respect, and even find ways to celebrate.
Dear Friends in Christ, This Monday, August 15, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body, and soul into heaven. While the obligation to attend Mass is dispensed, because of its proximity to Sunday, we will gather to celebrate the Assumption at our usual Monday 9:00 am Mass. This special commemoration of Mary is also about us as Irish priest Fr. Billy Swan reminds us:
Did you know? We’ve brought back our SVDP basket to Mass! Please consider bringing an item to help stock our joint Assumption – St. Bridget SVDP food pantry. We have a list of items needed each week of the month. We ask that you consider choosing one week a month to help our neighbors in need. Please see the attached flyer for weekly suggestions.