Dear Friends in Christ,
On this great feast of Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the nations, let me say until next year, “Merry Christmas to all!” We were blessed this Christmas at St. Bridget’s with a return of the large crowds for Mass that we have not seen since before the COVID pandemic broke out. Please continue to extend a warm invitation to family and friends who may join us only at Christmas and Easter. Let them know they are always welcome in our parish.
I know I risk overlooking some folks, but I want to publicly thank all those who were especially generous in helping to make Christmas so beautiful in our parish:
· The famous “Hare Ladies” Olga, Milari and Ilaria for their usual beautiful job with the flowers and sanctuary decorations, including the crèche.
· Luanne Johnson and all those who helped her put up the outdoor lights, and indoor trees and banners.
· Christine Kelly and Susie Lane who sent out various communications offering Christmas information to all in our parish.
· Amanda Cahill and Christine Morgan for their great work with the return of our “Children’s Christmas Pageant,” and its cast of 40 some kids.
· Sarah Chopyak and all in our music ministry for the beautiful songs and instrumentals in our liturgies.
· All who contributed to our “Giving Tree” outreach to those in need, and everyone else who offered service in any way.
· Last but not least, thanks to all of you who were so generous to me with cards and gifts this Christmas. Thank you for your kindness and support!
Blessings of peace and joy!
Fr. William Heric, Pastor