Dear Friends in Christ, I hope the calendar year 2025 is off to a great start for you and your family! The central theme of the Jubilee Year that Pope Francis initiated this past Christmas is a call for the church to be more intentionally “Pilgrims of Hope.” We consider that always within the church's ongoing mission, the late Pope Benedict XVI identified the following three priorities: 1) To Worship, 2) To Evangelize, and 3) To care for the poor. My hope is that we can continue to grow significantly in all three of these areas in our NE Seattle Catholic Community. I am happy to announce a new employee who has joined our staff to help grow the worship life in our family of parishes. Please join me in welcoming Kristin Holland, who will serve as our family's Pastoral Coordinator for Liturgy. Kristin will help with all aspects of liturgy in our four parishes, with a special focus on recruiting and training new volunteers in our various liturgical ministries: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Sacristans, and especially Servers. Please offer your support to Kristin as she begins her ministry among us. One of the central ministries in our celebration of the Eucharist is the presence of all who have assembled to worship the Lord. I look forward to seeing you often as we gather to become “Pilgrims of Hope” to each other and to our world.