Introducing the “Cenacle” Lenten series. The word “Cenacle” refers to the “Upper Room” where Jesus gave his disciples the Eucharist, washed their feet, and taught them of the Father’s love and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is also the place where Jesus regathered the disciples following his resurrection to “breathe” on them the Holy Spirit and send them out as missionaries. Robert and Lori Fontana (Assumption Parish) are associates in the modern-day Missionary Cenacle movement. During Lent, they will be hosting a weekly small group Scripture study and faith-sharing series called Holy Week with Jesus and His Disciples in the Cenacle. It will be held at Assumption Parish Hall. This Lenten series begins on Wednesday, March 12 (7-8:30 pm) for in-person sessions with a live stream option and will be repeated on Thursday mornings via Zoom, beginning March 13, 9:00 - 10:30 am. To register, or if you have any questions, write Robert and/or Lori at [email protected] .