Saturday, October 28th
This retreat is being hosted by parishioners Lori and Robert Fontana through Catholic Life Ministries which they co-direct. The guest presenter is Brother John Skrodinsky, religious brother of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (ST).
John made final vows in 2000. He has worked in campus ministry, as a drug and alcohol counselor, and in ministry to migrants. John currently directs the pre-novitiate formation house for the ST’s in Chicago. He has a Masters in Pastoral Studies and a law degree from Temple University.
Location: Assumption Parish Hall, Seattle. Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Topics: “From Jorge Bergoglio to Pope Francis” (Bro. John); “Pope Francis as Teacher: Encyclicals and Apostolic Exhortations (Bro. John); Pope Francis: Changing Catholic Culture Not Doctrine (Robert Fontana)
Cost: $30(single), $50(couple) Scholarships available. Location: Assumption Parish, Seattle. Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Please bring your own brown bag lunch. Snacks/drinks will be provided. (We’ll take covid precautions as the situation warrants. You are welcome to wear a mask.)
To register: Email: [email protected] that you wish to participate, and pay the fee at the retreat (check payable to CLM) or register online and pay fee at https://www.catholiclifeministries.org/register/