Dear Friends in Christ,
The “Back to School” season begins this week with the opening of ASB on Wednesday, August 31, and neighboring Villa Academy and the public schools to follow. Blessings to all students, teachers, and staff as they prepare to begin a new school year. That includes all of us lifelong learners of any age.
As I recall, one of the tasks of the first weeks of a new school year is to review key material taught in the previous year, which students may have forgotten. This was always the case for me in math class! It’s also true for the continuing education in the Christian life we share as a parish community. So, let’s review.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds us that the church of Christ has three primary purposes. The first is to gather for worship in the Eucharist. We all worship something, and whatever or whomever it is reveals who we truly are in the depths of our souls. Our vocation as Christians is to make Jesus the center of our lives, and we do that through gathering together weekly to hear the word of God and to receive the body and blood of Christ. To help us grow in this area, I have formed a new “Worship Team” to help deepen the level of participation in our parish liturgies. Stay tuned for more from this new committee!
Every Mass concludes with the mission to “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” That’s not just a suggestion to be a nice person, but to actively care for others, especially the poorest and vulnerable in our community. This is the second essential purpose of the church and the work of our joint Assumption/St. Bridget St. Vincent de Paul Conference which I encourage everyone to support. Please also consider joining our SVDP and becoming an active participant in their outreach ministry to our part of Seattle.
Finally, Pope Benedict XVI reminds, us that the church has a primary mission to evangelize, to proclaim the “Good News” that Christ has risen from the dead, and those who follow him will be raised to a new and more abundant life. This is at the heart of two important opportunities in the parish this fall: Our Confirmation Prep program for students in grades 7-12, and our RCIA process for those adults interested in being baptized or received into full communion in the Catholic Church. Please check the bulletin or our all-knowing parish website for more information about these important opportunities.
A blessed year of learning and growth to all students of the Christian life!
Fr. William Heric, Pastor