As a general rule, the news that tends to draw our attention is often bad, pathetic, and even on occasion horrific. I don’t need to cite any specifics to make the point. But there are exceptions, and Easter is perhaps the greatest news of all! Christ is risen from the dead, he is risen indeed! Here is the reason for all our hope and joy! It’s also the raison d’etre for the Christian Church throughout the world.
Our celebration of the resurrection as Nathan Mitchell reminds us is not a recollection of what once happened to Jesus, but what is now happening among us as a people called to conversion, gathered in faith, and gifted with a spirit of holiness. Easter celebrates God’s taking possession of our hearts at their deepest core, recreating us as a new human community, rich in compassion, steadfast in hope, and fearless in the search for justice and peace.
The new life of Christ we celebrate is made evident in person by those who join the church at Easter. Congratulations to Ryan Adkins and Richart Schug who were received and confirmed into the full communion of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Congratulations in advance to Blake McKinley who will be baptized and confirmed on May 20th. Another source of joy and hope are the 39children of our parish who will come to the table of the Lord for their first Holy Communion on May 6th. One more grace we also celebrate is the presence of visitors who join us for Easter. We are glad to see you and hope you know that you are always welcome at St. Bridget’s. Do come again!
A final bit of good news….the reminder that Easter is not just a special day, but a 50-day season of celebrating the central mystery of faith, Christ is risen from the dead! When we join our lives and deaths to his, we will also rise again. That’s the news we should pay attention to the most!