This coming weekend September 23-24 begins the next phase in the “Partners inthe Gospel Strategic Planning Process.” As most of you have heard by now, this is an effort throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle to renew Catholic life and practice by reorganizing parishes. The plan calls for most parishes to be grouped into a “Family” of two or more parishes beginning July 1, 2024. A pastor will be appointed to serve the family with the assistance of another priest as the parochial vicar. The eventual goal of the plan is for the family to become one canonical parish even though it may retain multiple worship sites and schools.
The proposed family of three parishes that includes St. Bridget will be announced at Masses this weekend. I will also be sending a video message to all parish households to inform those who may not make it to Mass. The two other parishes in the proposed family will not be a surprise to anyone familiar with the neighborhoods in this part of North Seattle. Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in those parish communities as they hear about this proposed reorganization. Please go to this link on the Partners website that addresses further questions you might have about the proposed family.
You will notice I keep referring to the “Proposed Family of Parishes.” This plan is still a work in progress. Sunday, September 23 begins the public phase of the Partners in the Gospel, which will last until October 14. This is your opportunity tooffer feedback to the proposed family that includes St. Bridget. I want to encourage everyone to attend one of our next listening sessions on Oct. 1 & 3, or to fill out the survey that will be sent to all parish households. These are important opportunities to offer your honest thoughts about the plan. What do you like about it? What concerns you about it? What alternatives would you recommend? Please be as honest and forthright as possible. Your input matters. Thanks much!