The month of October this year is full of several graced-filled opportunities for the Catholic Church far and near. October is “Respect Life Month” when we reaffirm the sanctity of all life from the moment of conception to natural death. That is an ongoing issue for the church and one that requires deep prayer. October is also the “Month of the Rosary,” a powerful prayer indeed. A reminder that a group regularly meets at St. Bridget’s on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm to pray the rosary together. All are welcome!
This October is also the much anticipated “Synod on Synodality” in Rome, attended by 478 bishops, priests, sisters, and laymen and women. Our own Archbishop Paul Etienne is a delegate to the synod. So, what’s it all about? The document Instrumentum Laboris which will guide the work of the delegates asks a wide range of questions focused on how the Church can foster communion, strengthen participation, and carry out its mission. Topics considered include caring for creation, ecumenism, the participation of the baptized in the life of the Church, the role of women, and the inclusion of marginalized groups, as well as considerations around leadership and decision-making at the local, national, and global levels.
These are topics we have prayerfully discussed in our own synod listening sessions. They are at the heart of the “Partners in the Gospel” planning process to renew Catholic life through a reorganization of the parishes to which we belong. We are in the public phase when the people of our parishes are asked to offer their input and feedback on the proposed draft of families that will come together on July 1, 2024. Last weekend, I announced that our proposed family for St. Bridget’s is to join with Assumption and Our Lady of the Lake parishes. The initial feedback has been positive, but it’s time to go deeper.
So, our next synod gathering to consider our proposed family of parishes will be this Sunday, October 1, following our 9:30 am Mass. There will be another opportunity on Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 pm. Please consider attending to offer your feedback about our proposed family. What excites you about it? What concerns you? What alternatives would you propose? Your voice matters and will be considered.