Some of you know that my youngest brother is also a priest. “Fr. Heric theyounger” as we refer to him is a priest of the Diocese of Spokane. Fr. Paul serves as the Director of the Catholic Newman Center at Washington State University, and also as the chaplain for the WSU football team. He will be over for the Apple Cup at Husky Stadium on Saturday, Nov. 25. “Fr. Heric theelder” is of course your pastor, and our parish is made up mostly of members of “Husky Nation.” We do have a few Cougs here, but they are a small minority we greet with “Go Dawgs” at the end of Mass. As it turns out, I was given tickets and a field pass to the Apple Cup and will meet my brother on the field to make a bet on the game. The priest whose team loses has to wear the winning team's jersey and walk around their respective school for an hour. I don’t expect to do it, but if you hear reports that I was sighted on the UW campus wearing a Coug jersey, that’s the reason! Here’s hoping no one is injured in the game!
On a more serious note, I want to invite you to join me for a Bible Study of theGospel of Mark on Mondays Nov. 20, 27 & Dec. 4,11, and 18, from 7:00-8:15pm. We will be using the Little Rock Scripture Study Program to help us dive deeper into the gospel we will be hearing at Mass in the coming lectionary B cycle. Mark is considered the earliest of the gospels and was a primary source for Matthew and Luke in the writing of their gospels. A zoom option will be available for those who prefer. Please register if possible at a 10.00 fee for the study booklet is appreciated. All are welcome!