As I write this, it is a cool, cloudy, and very rainy day in early November. Earlier today, I walked to pick up a hard copy of the local newspaper, which I do every morning. It was blustery, windy, and raining buckets. As I reflected on my own discomfort at that moment, I suddenly looked in the direction of local Magnuson Park, where numerous homeless people spend every night. I began to ponder how fortunate I was to have a roof over my head while these men and women must suffer great hardship as the winter weather quickly approached—the moment reminded me of a brief talk this past Sunday at one of our parishes about the important work of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The speaker described the growing need for assistance in North Seattle and the opportunity for us as Catholics to see the face of Christ in the homeless people who share our neighborhoods. I have resolved to make a gift to SVDP as part of my regular stewardship in the coming year. Please consider joining me.
By the time you read this, the November 5th election will hopefully have been decided. However, it has turned out we also have an opportunity as Catholics to contribute to the national reconciliation so urgently needed in our country. Perhaps one source of our unity as citizens in this land is to come together to share a common concern for the poor and to reach out to lift them up. Working toward addressing the root causes of poverty, homelessness, racism, and violence is another critical commitment for us to share with everyone in our country. As the “Christmas Season” commercially begins earlier every year, let’s keep our hearts focused on the face of Christ in all we meet, especially the poor, and remember them as we discern what our stewardship of treasure will be in 2025.
Blessings of peace,
Fr. William Heric, Pastor
Holy Mary Mother of God…pray for us! St. Bridget of Kildare…pray for us! St. Catherine of Siena…pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts…forever!