The week of June 18-22. I will be at Ocean Shores for the annual “Priest Days” convocation. This is the yearly opportunity for the priests of the archdiocese to gather together, for prayer, fellowship, and reflection on topics meant to help strengthen our service to the people of our local church. One of those topics is the Partners in the Gospel Strategic Planning Process that has begun this year.
I ask for your prayers for me and my brother priests as we gather to discuss this bold plan to restructure parish life in Western Washington. I admit to a mix of concern and hope about the plan. The one thing I am clear about is my commitment to helping St. Bridget Parish move positively into a family of parishes in July 2024. While we navigate the particular challenges that come as the plan becomes known, I think it is important to continue to grow as a faith community in all the ways outlined in our current parish strategic plan. As in all things, check the parish website for a recap of the plan.
I see a growing vibrancy here at St. Bridget’s that I hope everyone will continue to contribute to and support. We will bring our own spirit and life into whatever family of other parishes we join. My hope is that the combined gifts of all the parishes will in time, strengthen the mission and ministry of the Catholic Community in Northeast Seattle. In the meantime, let’s stay united in faith hope, and love!
St. Bridget of Kildare…pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts…forever!