Dear Friends in Christ,
Graduation season is upon us and this weekend we will offer a blessing to all those graduating from 8th grade, high school, or college and beyond. It’s also a time to celebrate anniversaries for previous graduations in our life journey. I recently gathered with some classmates to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our graduation from St. Edward Minor Seminary in Kenmore. The celebration was at our old school which closed years ago but is now “The Lodge at St. Edward” a boutique hotel with a lovely lounge and restaurant open to the public. It’s located at St. Edward State Park, a wonderful place to take the family for hikes and recreation. It was my home for 8 years a long time ago.
Graduations are also known as Commencements which celebrate the completion of one phase and the beginning of a new chapter in our education. This weekend on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we commence a return to offering the Blood of Christ in the cup at our weekend Masses. Please feel welcome to receive in this form or to not if that is your personal preference.
This weekend we also commence a new phase in the Partners in the Gospel strategic planning process for the Archdiocese of Seattle. We have two opportunities to learn more about this process and how we can contribute to it. The first is by gathering as a parish community for two synod listening sessions to discuss the Partner's plan and offer our hopes and concerns about it. Those sessions are after Mass this Sunday, June 11th, and at 7:00 pm on Monday, June 12th. Please consider attending one of these sessions.
The other opportunity is to learn about the “Current Reality Report” on the archdiocese which offers data about the steady decline of participation in the life of the Catholic Church in recent decades. This is the foundational reality for the Partners in the Gospel which seeks to reconfigure parishes as a means of renewing the life of the church in Western Washington. I hope that you will take the time to watch the video and consult the links below for more information about the process. I encourage everyone to bring their honest hopes and concerns about the plan to our synod listening sessions. Please feel welcome to share your questions and concerns with me as well.
Blessings of peace,
Fr. William Heric, Pastor
Current Reality Report link:
For all Partners in the Gospel parish materials: