Here’s hoping this finds you full of Advent peace and holy longing! I’m writing to briefly update you on where we are in the “Partners in the Gospel” strategic planning process and invite you to an important Town Hall Meeting on December 10. As you are probably aware, the proposed family of parishes St. Bridget, Assumption, and Our Lady of the Lake changed recently to also include St. Catherine’s in the Maple Leaf neighborhood to the north of us. This was the result of several factors involving other parishes that necessitated a change in ours. We at St. Bridget’s have until Dec. 15 to offer our feedback to the archdiocese about this new proposed family.
I have met with our parish staff and pastoral council for their feedback. There is concern about the manageability of 4 parishes and a sensitivity about the potential impact on the three schools in the family. A reminder that the horizon of this plan is for the 4 historically distinct communities to become one parish in 3-4 years. There is no expected change for the schools that will continue as they are presently constituted. The one change that will happen this coming July 1, 2024, is the appointment of a single pastor with most probably 2 vicars to serve the family.
Your voice is important in this process, so I want to invite you to attend a “Parish Town Hall Meeting” this Sunday, Dec. 10 at 11:00 am. Our lay leadership will provide additional information and an opportunity for you to share your perspective. For those unable to attend the Town Hall Meeting, please feel welcome to offer your thoughts with the QR code link below.
In the spirit of Advent hope, let us unite around a common prayer, “ComeLord Jesus come!” May we trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us as we sojourn through this process of reimaging parish life. As always, you are most welcome to contact me if you have questions about the Partners in the Gospel plan.