One of the salutations that St. Paul often used in his epistles to local Christian communities was this: May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you! That word fellowship reminds us that part of our life as the Body of Christ the church is to gather in fellowship, in friendship with one another to share the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have several opportunities to do so coming up.
The first is our “Boots and Bling” Parish Auction on Friday, April 28th in the parish hall. The primary purpose of this gathering is to come together for an enjoyable evening, renew acquaintances with people we know, and hopefully meet some new friends as well. We hope that this good time together also helps raise money to support the mission of St. Bridget Parish. My thanks to all on our auction committee who have worked hard to plan this event. Special thanks to the co-chairs of the auction Amanda Cahill, Jen Holm, and Yvonne Werner. Well done!
As Catholics, our fellowship is not only with members of our parish but with Catholics throughout the church in Western Washington. This weekend we begin the Annual Catholic Appeal which is our opportunity to support numerous ministries that serve the People of God throughout Western Washington. Our goal as a parish this year is $77,221 which is easily reachable if everyone participates. Please join me in making a pledge. A reminder that whatever comes in over the goal comes back as a rebate to support the ministries of our parish. Stay tuned for more information on the ACA!
Finally, the word Catholic means “Universal” so our fellowship extends to all peoples of the world, be they friends or foes. It also extends to the life of our planet. April 22 is the annual commemoration of “Earth Day”the yearly invitation to remember how closely we are connected to the earth, as well as our responsibility to protect it. Environmental stewardship and fellowship are an integral part of our Catholic Faith Tradition. Please go to the following link for more information on how we can invest in the life of Mother Earth: